Lot #659 - GT40 manufactured by Superformance LLC, this GT40 is recorded in the official GT40 registry. More than 90% of the parts are interchangeable with the original car. This is a street and track vehicle based on the original racecar concept, design, configuration and dimensions. Power is supplied by a specially prepared Roush 402R Dart block engine with 5-speed transaxle. The car weighs just over 2300 lbs. It has a top speed of over 200 MPH. The exterior is dark silver with Ferrari Grigio Titanium ghost stripes. A Gurney bubble is present on the driver's side offering additional headroom in the cockpit. The black interior is fitted with original style seats and race-style dash with Smith gauges. Carroll Shelby's autograph is present on the passenger side dash. The leather wrapped steering wheel is removable allowing easy cockpit access and the pedal box also has different mounting spots affording flexibility in the amount of legroom for the driver. The cockpit is cooled by factory installed air conditioning.